‘What The Child does every March 14’
It’s been quite a while since she wowed the math classes at Stuyvesant High School with her ability to recite pi to more than 400 places. But The Child still keeps her pi oar in, so to speak, by reciting pi to one hundred places every March 14. Which is still no mean feat.
See, March 14 is Pi Day, when math nerds celebrate the one and only true magic number: π. Pi is 3.14 — get it? March 14 — a mathematical constant, never-ending, the circumference-to-diameter ratio of a circle.
But, math nerd or no, it’s still fun to watch her do her Pi Thing. He she was, just this morning:
Yes, braggety-brag brag brag, The Child has a knack for Pi reciting. She was so good at it at Stuy that the math department suspended the competition while she was student there — and just had her go around to the math classes and demonstrate.
Then, when she was a math student at Harvard, she routinely won the Pi Day contest at Adams House. My favorite is the year she “did” pi to just enough places to beat her closest competitor — no more, no less; a virtual model of pi efficiency.
Of course I have written about The Child and her Pi Track Record before, most recently in my story “Pi Are Round.” Feel free to check it out when you’re done watching those pi videos. (There’s a terrible Dad Joke in it.)
Hey, I take it back. I’m rather an expert at pie myself, though my accomplishments tend to run toward apple and pumpkin.
Well, I guess that’s enough bragging for one post. I’ll end by sharing yet another photo of Her Childness, this time not tackling pi — but enjoying a recent engagement party.
New York City. Pi Day. March 2023
I’m impressed with anybody with a math mind or a mind for memory and recitation! She’s got a good one. I’ve tried doing the “mind palace” thing to remember a long list of things. Luckily, I can usually just bring out my written, mile-long to-do list!
I love a person who makes a to-do list! I not only make one, but if I do something that’s not on my list, I add it — then cross it off! (Obviously, I don’t trust my mind to memorize anything!)
p.s. I’m not familiar with the “mind palace” thing. I’ll have to google that — as soon as I finish my to-do list for today (!)
And she’s doing it with all those people getting their pie. She is brilliant.
Yes! I forgot to mention that. All those people fussing around in the background grabbing slices had to be distracting! Thanks, Judy. She is a wonder xoxo