Joy to the world!


‘The Grandchild has come!’

I haven’t sent out Christmas cards in years. Not since The Child was an actual child and I could send a photo of her enclosed inside. (This was waaaay before you could incorporate a photo into a design of your very own.)

Her Christmassy Childness, in former Christmas Card times

But I always said that I would start the Card Thing up again if and when I got me a grandkid. And, lo and behold…this year I finally did. (Do you think my subtle hints had anything to do with it? Like when I would look The Child in the eye and say, “I don’t want to pressure you, but, since you are an only child, if you don’t have any kids I will never ever be a grandmother.“)

So hey. I sent cards this year. Lots of cards! (If you didn’t get one, I apologize. Consider this post your Christmas card, okay?)

Here’s what was on the back (!)

Anyway. This year had a whole heck of a lot of other cool stuff to commend it: weddings and parties and family visits galore, not to mention two trips to Brazil and one big honkin’ trip to Australia.

Dude Man and me relaxing in Australia, basking in the knowledge that we finally made “grandparent”

But, since it’s the last day I can write and still call this 2024, I’m going to stick with the GK and the heck with the rest. Till the dull days of Endless January, that is. Then I’ll catch up. Or not. Maybe I’ll just read a ton of books.

Or knit. I have this sweater to finish up. Its progress was interrupted by baby sweaters, natch

But back to Mr. Baby. (Gosh, I think I just invented his blogname. I was going to call him GK. But I’m thinking I like Mr. Baby. Even better than The Baby, since if he ever gets a sister, I can call her MIss Baby. If he gets a brother, I’ll deal with it then.)

I defy even those of you who, like W. C. Fields, prefers his or her babies well-done, to watch the video below and then not urge those of your acquaintance who are capable of procreating to do so immediately. This is one heck of a cute baby.

I can show you this video because The Child created a shared album in iPhoto where she plops new shots almost every day. If that sounds like Baby Photo Overload, then you are obviously not a grandparent. Not one who lives a whole continent away, anyway.

I’m only a continent away. His Dad’s family lives in Canada — where Mr. Baby is right now, get celebrated — and acclimatized

Okay, I’ve got to go soon. I’m going on a pan-generational visit next week — to see both my one-and-only mother and my one-and-only grandson — so I have a ton of obsessing to do.

Meanwhile, here’s another Happy Photo to close out a very Happy Year!

Amagansett, New York. The last day of the last month of 2024


8 thoughts on “Joy to the world!

  1. coleybentley

    Cute photos and I get that you are “over the moon,” as they say!
    Cheers and have a terrific trip on the love west coast!

  2. Love the card and all the pics! Super sweet. And the sweaters–always admiring of your handiwork. Enjoy grandparenthood! I’m at that stage, with teens, where I am pretending/hoping it’s very far away. But we’ll all get there, I’m sure.

    • Thank you, Becca. And Happy New Year! Speaking of years, I know this makes me sound like an Official Oldie, but they do go whizzing by. Which, in the case of The Child and her Teenhood, was probably a good thing. Those were not my favorite Child Times. She certainly turned into a delightful adult. And SUCH a good mother! Whew!!!

  3. Ruth Meisenheimer

    And, I thought I was a “silly” grandma when I had the bridge club come for coffee to observe my first grandchild! Truth is, I was tired of looking at pictures of their precious grands! 🥰

    • Wow, Ruth! Your comment almost makes me want to take up bridge again just so I can invite everyone over to coo over Mr. Baby! Isn’t it amazing how everyone’s grandchild is the most gorgeous grandchild in the whole world?!?

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