‘At least it’s not Christmas’
Tuesday Night: Sipping a very large Manhattan to reward myself for having made the piecrust (yes, I make my own), I’m tipsily (If that’s not a real word, then it should be) writing my post while waiting for the Big Beef to do its braising thing. (More on Big Beef later.)
Today (if it is in fact Wednesday when you’re reading this) is Thanksgiving Eve. Before I get started raving about Thanksgiving, just take a look at two of the things I like best about this particular holiday:

Fingers crossed this year’s pies are as good as last year’s: Left, apple. On the right, cranberry-apple.
Anyway, I know I promised not to rant. Nor shall I. But allow me to expound instead on the virtues of Thanksgiving. It’s not that I don’t like Christmas. But let’s compare the two festive occasions, shall we? Then, you decide.
Why, in my humble opinion, Thanksgiving beats the tinsel out of Christmas:
5. No decorations. True, I haul out my cute little turkey salt-and-pepper shakers and ineffective-but-adorable turkey gravy boat. But at least there’s no tree, no shiny-balls-that-break, and, perhaps most important, no reindeer headdresses imposed upon long-suffering pets or parents.
- As decorated as Thanksgiving gets. At least at my house.
- OK, Mom does look pretty cute rocking a pair of antlers
4. No ‘Turkey in a Pear Tree’, ‘Butterball is Coming to Town’, ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Wine-Man’. Or, Heaven forbid, ‘Little Drumstick Boy’. The airwaves are remarkably free of Thanksgiving carols. Though, if I have to hear ‘All About that Bass’ one more time, I may reload my banana.
3. No Thanksgiving Cards. (Actually, there probably are Thanksgiving Cards, but if so, I’m not playing. And no one can make me by sending me one and expecting one back.) Oh, and, speaking of cards, no worrying about choosing between ‘Merry Christmas’ or ‘Happy Hannukah’. Or substituting with that namby-pamby phrase ‘Happy Holidays’ . You can smile your biggest smile and go ‘Happy Thanksgiving’ all you want. To everybody!
2. No gifts. But if someone does bring (hint hint) a bottle of wine to T’giving Dinner, it doesn’t have to be wrapped. This one is huge. Because, while I enjoy a Good Gift as much as the next person, I get super-stressed trying to think of Good Gifts for people. I even get super-stressed trying to think of a Good Gift for myself. And, um, is it just me, or does it seem like the list of people who simply must get Christmas gifts (i.e., tips) is composed mostly of strangers? I mean, do you really know your New York Times Delivery Guy?
1. Best food ever, and (dirty secret) Not All That Hard to Make. True, it takes some planning, but if you make the same Fabulous Foods every year, you always please. Even the Vegetarians and People on Weird Diets who feast at my table are happy. Here, for your drooling pleasure, are a couple of things I’m planning on serving this year:
- For the carnivores: A Whole Roasted Turkey
- For the Vegetarians: A Whole Roasted Head. Of cauliflower.
Oh, and there is at least one other reason: You get to spend time with People You Really Care About. Which I didn’t include on my Thanksgiving vs. Christmas list, because, if you are lucky, you can see many of your Thanksgiving People again, at Christmas. Or, if distance doesn’t permit that luxury, and you are indeed very lucky, you may know enough Wonderful People to rustle up a whole different contingent at Christmas. At any rate, here’s pictorial evidence that I know some Wonderful People:
Thanks to you all for reading. Now get out to your kitchen and start cooking. Here’s the recipe for the Whole Roasted Head of Cauliflower, BTW. (Thanks, PureWow) And that Big Beef I was talking about? It’s a deliciously frightening-to-vegetarians recipe I’ve been making for years. I serve it Friday. Because, by then even the best turkey leftovers are starting to pall. It’s from the East Hampton Star, from before they went digital. I promise to look for it and update this post when (and if) I find it.*
Now I simply must make those pies. Without them, I won’t be able to repeat this particular magic act:
- Apple-Cranberry, before dinner
- Apple-Cranberry, ten minutes after
*Look! I found the Big Beef (AKA ‘Beef Short Ribs’) recipe. No online version, but here’s a photo of my torn-out and much-used copy. It’s from the East Hampton Star. I use more ribs, BTW. This year I filled two le Creuset enamel lidded pots with 12 ribs each. I put flour in a brown grocery bag and shake the ribs. (I don’t bother with wiping them with paper towels; doesn’t seem to matter.) It’s best to make it at least a day ahead, but add the carrots before reheating and serving. The reheating is best accomplished at around 325 degrees for an hour or so. (But I left the pot ‘reheating’ once for 4 hours while we were on a hike. No matter. Delicious! I love a forgiving recipe. And I think you will too.) Oh, and I never bother thickening the broth. It’s great the way it is. And parsley? Whatever. I always forget. No one seems to mind.
Amagansett, New York. November 2014
Terrific post…it’s somewhat stressful, but family makes it all worthwhile!
Thanks, John. My feelings exactly. It’s all about The Family. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
Yes, yes, YES! Great minds think alike. T-Day is indeed the best.
BTW, one of my favorite things about your writing is your Strategic Capitalization. Love it!
Heheheh. Nice of you to notice my (ahem) Strategic Capitalization. And to comment! xoxo to you, Fellow T’giving Lover!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I’ve never been to a real Thanksgiving meal. I’ve had a sort-of-thanksgiving pot luck in Japan, but I am not sure if that counts! It does look amazing, especially with the emphasis on appreciating your family rather than presents.
Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving to you! I’m thinking that family is the most important ingredient in a ‘real’ T’giving. If you’ve got that, throw in a turkey and you’re good to go! xoxo
Happy Thanksgiving Alice. Enjoyed the article and will try the roasted cauliflower recipe. Thanks!
Thanks, Dan! Really slather that cauliflower — the spicier, the better, I found. And have a most wonderful Thanksgiving xoxo!
Love Thanksgiving. Those of us that are M.O.T. get to double down on it again for Passover, but that has the whole unleavened thing + you’ve got to go through the ritualistic stuff.
I love the way Fred Wilson (avc.com) put it on his blog this morning:
I’m glad that our country takes a day off to give thanks. It’s my favorite holiday of the year because it is not tinged with religion or national pride. Thanksgiving has no baggage. It’s a day for friends, family, warmth, food, wine, and relaxation.
Well said indeed, Mr. Z! I had forgotten about the National Pride Thing. Couldn’t agree more. Thank you for sharing, and following, and commenting. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!
Well, if you were me, you wouldn’t like “Thanksgiving” so much. In my family, we call it “Black Thursday”.
Go ahead, gobble down your “food”.
Point taken, Mr. Turkey, Sir. But how do you think the Cauliflower Family feels? What about the fatherless florets?
YOu have nailed it!!! My favorite holiday…add to this that I was a retailer for 36 years…adds a different spin t it….especially when I cannot turn off that music! Happy Thanks giving!
Thank you, Suzy. Ooooooo, Retail! How many verses of ‘Little Drummer Boy’ do you know?!?
Oh, pleeeeease … You can cook too?! I’m loading a banana right away! You look like a fashion model, and your pies, turkey, and even the roasted cauliflower look delicious! Well, you know I’ve always been one of your biggest fans!
Ah, Ruth. There’s a reason you’ve always been my mom’s favorite friend. And now mine, too!
Thank you for reading. And make sure that banana’s only shooting blanks!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING, ALICE (Wayne & Sammy Jane, too)! Love, Jenn
Back at ya, Jenn! Have a wonderful Favorite Holiday!