‘I Holiday Cheer myself up with a (very) little decorating’
I flunked Plank.
“No no no!“ my indefatigable PT instructor Jennifer cried, while Zoom-watching me flounder on the floor demonstrating my form, such as it was. “The Plank is not for everyone,” she added, hoping to soothe my fragile ego as she deleted it from my program.
I may have flunked Plank, but still I’m set to graduate from PT at the end of the month. I should be thrilled that I have made such fantastic progress. I can now rock a pair of Tracksmith tights like nobody’s business. (And my back? Oh, it’s better.) But I have bonded with Jennifer the PT Girl; she’s seen me sweat and “squeeze my bootie.”
“I already miss you!” I cried at the end of our session last week.
There’s was only one thing to do: decorate.

Let’s start in the kitchen, where I dragged out the Christmas Plate. And put the one remaining almond rocha on it to drive The Dude crazy. (I hid it last week after he’d polished off the rest)
Those of you who’ve followed me over the years know that I hate to decorate. So much so that I used to have a party where I would treat friends to champagne while they decorated the tree — then reward them with a big ole pot roast dinner when they were done. (See “Deck the Halls with Bough of Holly” for scrumptious details.)
That’s how “I” decorated until Her Childness left for college. Then I basically didn’t bother. She didn’t get home for Winter Break until basically the Night Before Christmas, and no, I didn’t want to have one without her — either the Party or the Tree.
So we got by with slapdash decor for years, reverting to our Little-Tree-in-a-Pot formula we’d followed before The Child’s advent. Honestly, the Amagansett property, which belonged to the Whitmore Parents back then, is studded with ex-Christmas Trees in Pots.
- Former Tree-in-Pot. From the Nineties. (I think)
- Here’s the one from 2010, the same one, decorated, in the picture at the top of this post
And in the City? Well, some years it was just Bowls of Shiny Objects or maybe, just maybe, Lights on The Mantel.
- Stocking on the Mantel. A must. Lighted…
- …or not
Last year’s decor was particularly spare. The apartment was Being Shown to prospective buyers, and it had been staged beyond all recognition. (See “Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore” for sordid details.) When I mentioned to our real estate agent that I’d bought a tree, she asked, “How big is this tree?” Then went on to suggest rather strongly that we do no further decorating. (“Twist my arm,” I thought, but did not say.)
I must admit that all those years of bare bones stripped-down Christmasses didn’t really bother me, partly because (again, as you Readers know only too well) Thanksgiving is the Holiday I really love. (See “Turkey Shoot” for irrefutable reasons why.) In fact, some years we even skipped Christmas by going on a trip. (The Child was fine with this arrangement once she met The Beau and had his family to celebrate with. See “I’ll Be (at Somebody Else’s) Home for Christmas” for *sniff* details.)
But this year Thanksgiving was rather a wash. Oh, it was lovely, what there was of it. After all, what’s not to like about a turkey dinner with all the trimmings? (Turkey trimmings being much more my style than Christmas ones.) But it was, well, kind of sparse.
I think The Dude felt the same way; he came home last weekend with not only a Christmas Tree (small, in a pot, but still) but also a poinsettia of rather monstrous proportions.
So I went up to the attic and dug out the lights and some other festive stuff.
Oh, and lest we forget. The Ken and Barbie House got its own small (but festively effective) infusion of the Christmas Spirit. And we didn’t have to lift a finger — except to turn it on.
Amagansett, New York. December 2020
Love that little tree! Well done on the PT–you look fab! I’m not the decorator around here–that would be my husband, thank goodness. This year, I’m not even cooking but having Christmas dinner catered. We’ve had enough worries, this year, for me to worry about dinner. Enjoy your holiday!
Sounds like you’ve got Christmas covered! A husband who decorates *sigh* Mine, bless his little Dude heart, not only doesn’t decorate, he doesn’t notice when I do. But he does get major points for bringing home the tree and poinsettia — without even being asked! The catering of Christmas dinner sounds especially fine. Here’s a toast to you! (Oh, and thanks for the compliment. Not bad for 69. Hah!)
“The Plank is not for everyone” — ha! You can say that again. The moment I no longer had someone telling to do them I stopped. It’s like, “I’m not a prisoner of war, why am I being tortured?”
Glad Christmas is shaping up so nicely,
Omigoodness! Someone MADE you do The Plank? (I’m guessing Someone Military) I am so naive that I hadn’t even heard of Said Plank until Jennifer tried to teach it to me. I am SO not an Exerciser (!) Hope Christmas is shaping up down your way too, Roy