Blame it on the Cronut


‘Shamelessly flogging the blog’

Surely you’ve heard of the Cronut. It’s a hybrid of ‘donut’ and ‘croissant’, and is extremely popular amongst the nose ring-and-fedora set. So popular that I’ve read of Cronut Wars in Williamsburg (that’s Hipster Williamsburg, not Colonial Williamsburg). You can read about this pastry rivalry by clicking on the link below.

‘In Greenpoint, a Situation Ripe for a Doughnut War’

But first let me indulge in some shameless self-promotion. And introduce you to the Plog. Like the Cronut, it’s a hybrid. A hybrid of ‘plug’ and ‘blog’. See, unlike those dueling bakers of hipster pastries, we bloggers receive no compensation for our labors (at least I don’t anyway–there’s not even a tip jar on my countertop.) What do we get? A nice warm feeling knowing that our posts are being read (and, fingers crossed, enjoyed).

Call me crazy, but I’d really like to avoid the literary version of the ‘tree-falling-in-the-woods-with-no-one-to-hear-it’ scenario, so I’m going to go out on a limb here and invite you to subscribe to my plog (er blog). It’s easy, it’s free. And you get an email every time I post a new post. So you won’t miss my upcoming screeds on everything from snakes on the Depend shoot to how sex is like Santa.

If you’re not sure how to subscribe, let me show you:

See? That was easy. Now, because it’s Labor Day and I really don’t want to labor too much more, let me earn some good karma (to sort of cancel out the shameless self-promotion) by plogging some fellow bloggers I admire and (try to) emulate:

So, AdBroad, Forged in Buffalo, and Best Movies by Farr, subscribe to my blog, and I’ll subscribe to yours. Promise. And, next time I see you, the Cronuts are on me.

As for the rest of you: have a blog you’d like to plog? Let me know by posting a comment. With any luck, zillions of my newly-subscribed readers will see it.

Wow. Checked the clock, and I just made it. (I didn’t want to labor on Labor Day.) After all, I’ve been neglecting Facebook. And Instagram. And Twitter. Not to mention Words with Friends. Later!

Amagansett, New York. September 2014

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2 thoughts on “Blame it on the Cronut

  1. “Hipster Williamsburg, not Colonial Williamsburg”–ha! Thanks for this. And for the shout. Loving these updates from Planet Alice. Can’t wait to read about Snakes on Depend. xx

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