Auld Lang Sally


‘A very Harry New Year to you and yours’

The Dude and I rarely venture out on New Year’s Eve (‘Amateur Night’, he calls it. Though I think it’s really because it’s impossible to get a cab.) You can see from the rather undignified photo at the top of this post that this was not always the case. (If it looks a little blurry, that’s because it is. Unless, of course, you’ve already started celebrating. In which case, it’s really blurry.)

Instead, we like to stay in and drink champagne and watch movies then drink more champagne and watch more movies. Though one year we did drink champagne and build a paper model of the Empire State Building on the coffee table. I think watching the movies is marginally more exciting.

Speaking of which, the movie to watch on New Year’s Eve is, in my humble opinion, ‘When Harry Met Sally’. It’s one of Nora Ephron’s funniest scripts and a much more successful directorial effort on Rob Reiner’s part than ‘The Bucket List’. (You can read what I think of that one in ‘All Saints’ (Birth)day’.)

Many movie watchers have already pointed out that ‘When Harry Met Sally’ is a veritable treasure trove of Life Lessons. There are many bloggers who even blog about this, of which ‘Hello Giggles’ is one. Here is her list of Harry-Met-Sally Life Lessons.

Of course, no surprise, I’ve gleaned my own lessons from Harry and Sally. Like how to wear glasses really really well (check out the part where Meg, er ‘Sally’ is in the bookstore), how to rock a karaoke machine (the scene with Harry is at Sharper Image), how to whine to your girlfriends about married men (any scene with Carrie Fisher’s character before she meets Bruno Kirby’s), and even how to keep your boyfriend’s tacky furniture out of your apartment (a scene I used in my post ‘The Truly Ugly Chair’).

But the scene to watch now? No, not the one in the diner that is supposed to represent you-know-what. It’s the scene toward the end, when Harry and Sally get together (finally!) on New Year’s Eve.

Go on and Netflix it, and look for that scene soon. Me, since it’s New Year’s Eve, I have a lot of champagne and movies (maybe even this one again) to get through. I’m quitting my post-writing early to conserve energy so I can stay up till midnight with a minimum of ‘sleep-watching’*.

*’Sleep-watching’: watching a movie with your eyes closed. Similar to ‘sleep-reading’. Though that, of course, is done while holding a book.

Wishing you all the best for a wonderful New Year. Thanks to you all for your readerly support in the Old Year. Catch you next week (when my batteries have recharged and the champagne is, with any luck, gone) with a more fully-formed New Year’s Eve tale involving Guy Lombardo and some snakes. Bet you can hardly wait.

Oh. One more (fun) thing. Notice how I didn’t call the New Year’s Eve scene my ‘Favorite Scene’? Well, that’s because this is my favorite scene. It’s where Harry, Sally and Friends play Pictionary. (For those of you Not Older Than Dirt, Pictionary was to the 80’s what Cards Against Humanity is to Now.) Go, Baby Fish Mouth!

New York City. December 2014

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15 thoughts on “Auld Lang Sally

  1. That photo at the top of you and the Dude is blurry. So blurry that it looks like the last thing I see before I pass out from too much champagne if that is possible. Happy New Year, Alice! Thanks for reminding me of what a great movie this is and that might be a good one to watch in a few days.

    • Yes, that photo gets blurrier every year (!) So glad you enjoyed this post, Judy. Here’s wishing you a new year full of fun (and champagne). Oh, and yes, catch ‘Harry/Sally’ if you get a chance. Much more fun than reading my stories. xoxo

        • What a wonderful thing to say, Judy. I was just talking about this with The Child. I had told her I was thinking about quitting the blog, since I don’t really have that many readers. But hey. The ones that I have are, as they say, ‘choice’. xoxo

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