‘Trying desperately to distract myself from thinking of tomorrow’s (gulp) shot’
Last week I promised to come up with something fun today, in spite of the fact that it is Injection Eve. (For those of you who didn’t read last week’s post, here it is, but basically it’s me whining about having to get a steroid shot to help me deal with herniated discs. To say that I am “nervous” would be like saying Trump is “unpleasant.”)
Other than filling out forms and sweating bullets, there’s nothing more to be done to prepare myself for this procedure. So I’m just going to try to distract myself by thinking of nice and/or silly things. Like being at my Mom’s 90th birthday celebration last year, which was both silly and nice.
Speaking of nice things to think about, just try not to smile and/or “awwww” over these little guys. (Yes, I made those sweaters. And already posted pictures of them. But now you can see how much better they look with cute babies filling them out.)
And if cute babies are not your thing, here’s another smile-inducing shot. (Oh no! I said “shot.”) I can’t imagine any of my readers being this way, but maybe there is someone out there reading and smiling along who actually is kid-averse. Just don’t tell me, okay?
Want more cute kitties? Here’s something I saw on Instagram that made me not just smile, but laugh out loud.
Okay, enough with kitties. Here’s another baby. Mine. She may be all grown up, but I think she’s still cute as a button. I’m limiting myself to just two adorable photos, though it pains me to ration them.
- She had a hat.
- Actually, make that two hats
As you may recall from my story “Her Personal Truck,” she and her BF are out exploring the country in a camper shell perched on a Ford350. Way to go, kids, way to go. Literally.

The Kids perched on the edge of the Badlands. Look closely and you can glimpse BF brushing his teeth in the doorway of their RV
Before I forget, the photo at the top of this post was taken earlier this year (note snow). I can only assume that the person who dumped this dinosaur was also downsizing. (See “The Tunnel at the End of the Light” for purging details.) At least I hope that’s the case and he/she wasn’t just a mean baby-hating toy-tossing ogre.

Another happy photo. Because why not? This was taken Sunday in the Catskills. If you look closely, you can peer into my sleep-deprived bloodshot eyes
Update on downsizing and purging: we’re definitely seeing the tunnel at the end of the light. We have a few more closets to empty, some artwork to move, and then there is this plant. Those of you who know me know that not only do I not have a green thumb, I am averse to houseplants. Don’t get me wrong–I really like plants. I just think they belong outside, and not in the house where I have to fuss around with them.
But. When Wayne and I got together he already had a plant. One he inherited from his mother when she (sadly) died in 1985. So we have had this plant for quite some time. And guess what? A couple of weeks ago, it bloomed. Dude said it had never bloomed — not in all the years he’s had it. Now if that doesn’t make you smile, I don’t know what will. Unless it’s this cartoon. Which captures my pre-injection state of mind perfectly.
Until next week. Gulp.
Amagansett, New York. October 2020
Ha, stress about the asteroid–perfect. I hope you’ve endured your shot OK and are feeling better!
Hey thanks Becca! Turned out it was bait-and-switch: I had two shots. It wasn’t the most painful procedure I’ve undergone — but let’s just say I wouldn’t want to do it again tomorrow! Sitting here now sipping tea with an ice pack on my back. Trying not to think about asteroids. xoxo
Your Mother gave me a start of a dieffenbachia plant once upon a time. It only grew to about three feet while her’s reached all the way to her high ceiling. After I got some of its juice by my eye causing it to swell shut, I carried it off into our woods. I have the ability to keep plants from growing until their end. Is your plant blooming because it’s sharing your stress? Good luck tomorrow.
Not only did your plant fail to grow — it got you in the eye! Now THAT’s adding injury to insult (!) I hope it’s blooming as a good luck sign. But maybe it’s just laughing at me. Thanks for the good wishes, dear Ruth xoxo
Another wonderful story.Sorry about the (gulp) shot. Hope it all goes well. As long as it doesn’t take away your sense of humor, I think you’ll be ok. I have a giant corn plant that I’ve had since the 80’s (I always have someone else water it so I don’t kill it). When my little Jack went to doggie heaven last November, the very next day the plant bloomed white flowers. First time ever!!! So wonderful and so so weird. Big real hugs and xxx’s to you and the Dude.
Thank you, Nancy. For the good wishes AND the Miracle Plant Story! And yes, as long as I can (gulp) laugh I should be fine. But I’m gonna try to take care of that plant especially well, just in case.
Hang in there, Alice!
Thanks Jim, from Your Wimpiness xo
Oh it’ll be fine.
Oh, I know. I’m just a Total Wimp!